Portrait: Chris Minness by Evert Ploeg #6 Chris Minness Chris Minness / 54 years / first engineer, first went to sea age 17 as a marine engineer cadet. Wanting to be closer to home with a young family, Chris gave up his seagoing life and worked ashore for 15 years in...
Portrait sitter: Beth Nott by Michael Peck #16 Jeanne Baret (First Woman to Circumnavigate the World) Jeanne Baret aka ‘Jean’, was a peasant girl born in 1740 who had a unique passion and skill for botanical medicine. She met a fellow botanist, Philibert de...
Portrait sitter: Terry Relf by Evert Ploeg #17 The Flying Dutchman Famous ghost ship, sighted throughout history off the coast of the Cape of Good Hope. This phantom vessel is destined to travel the seas, never finding port, bringing death and destruction to any ships...
Portrait: Glen Mallon by Evert Ploeg #8 Glen Mallon “It’s a maritime superstition that if you see an albatross whilst at sea, it carries the soul of a dead sailor.” Sydney seafarer Glen Mallon has a strong sense of heritage when it comes to the sea. Having a seafaring...
Portrait: Captain Sarah Parry and Trim the Cat by Robert Hannaford #13 Sarah Parry Captain Sarah Parry grew up in Sydney as a surfer. Mixing with the wrong crowd, it was her father that suggested she join the Navy for a more diverse life experience. Sarah often thinks...
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