Portrait sitter: Nicky Lim by Evert Ploeg #23 Ching Shih (1775–1844) 郑氏 Ching Shih was a prominent pirate during the Qing Dynasty, early 19th century. It is estimated that in the height of her power she had command over 1800 junks manned by over 70,000 pirates made up...
Portrait: Raccoon by Evert Ploeg #19 Mark ‘Raccoon’ Brown Self described Dish Pig. Australian. Works in the kitchen mainly. Does his time at sea and as soon as he dock in Australia he heads to the first plane home to a piece of paradise on the beach not far from...
Portrait Sitter: Euan Crawford, by Robert Hannaford #1 The Captain Who is Leaving the Sea He is in his last year of service. Retirement is compulsory these days, although he would have retired early anyway as the industry has changed so much and he is disillusioned...
Portrait sitter: Joe Miller by Evert Ploeg #20 Merchant Seafarer who Served for Us In 1942, in the middle of the Atlantic, surrounded by an oily ocean that is on fire, a seafarer is quietly reciting Psalm 107. He has burns over much of his body. His hair has been...
Portrait: Lisa Romero, by Robert Hannaford #12 Lisa Romero Lisa first went to sea at 16, at a time when you could count the females in the industry on one hand. After studying at the Australian Maritime College, getting high distinctions all the way, she couldn’t get...
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